April – The Month of Diamonds

Diamonds have been well-loved since the fourth century BCE and were established as the April birthstone during Biblical times. In the book of Exodus in the Bible, the high priest Aaron wore a breastplate adorned with twelve gemstones—one being the diamond. In 1912, the list of birthstones was standardized, officially making diamonds the prominent April birthstone.

Diamonds are considered the top choice for April birthstone buyers. Diamonds offer incredible beauty and brilliance. They can be cut into many shapes for ringspendantsearrings, and more. Diamonds are associated with love and passion and can be gifted for any celebration from engagements to birthdays and anniversaries. 

In general, diamonds are one of the best jewellery for gifts, because of their classic appeal and brilliance. Formed over billions of years beneath the Earth’s surface, diamonds are the most durable gemstone, ranking 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. With this April birthstone, you can feel confident that it will last a lifetime and beyond.

April Birthstone – Diamond

Diamond Symbolism and Meaning

Diamonds were once reserved exclusively for royalty. Thanks to its legendary hardness, the diamond has long been associated with invincibility and strength, while assuming the king of gems status.

The world’s hardest substance is both a symbol of victory and strength as well as wealth and abundance. It’s featured in the literature of all the world’s major religions and civilizations. Although believed to be gifted by a mighty God, diamonds were actually forged by mother nature over millions of years.

The attribute that most interests us is the multifaceted gem’s symbol of enduring love. A diamond pledged freely and willingly can transfer its powers of strength and fortitude that can only be superseded by the love it symbolizes.

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